Sunday, December 16, 2007

Proving God brilliant

Or maybe it's Ricky Gervais who's the brilliant one.

Also, while I'm on the subject of Ricky Gervais - my mum just got us both seasons of Extras on DVD as an early Christmas present, and it so so. Bloody. Funny. And horribly embarrassing, of course, but hilarious. And I love the actors who guest star as themselves, acting like complete fools. Sir Ian McKellen especially killed me.


"Sir Ian, sir Ian, sir Ian - action! wizard! YOU SHALL NOT PASS! cut - sir Ian, sir Ian, sir Ian."

*dies and is dead*
Or, in LJ speak, *diez and iz ded*


Logan said...

Hahaaaaa, it's HERE! Talk about blindsiding me with surprise packages. :D Thank you!

I'll be sending you a video response to this. Get ready... it's comin'. ;)

Logan said...

... after the sinus infection lifts, I mean. But soon! :D