Now is when I don't go to see 'Evan Almighty'
Okay, this raining is actually starting to bother me. I could deal with it earlier, even went swimming despite it - wearing sunglasses - but now it's beginning to get on my nerves. It's July, for Christ's sake, and it's fourteen degrees outside! Not to mention that I'd rather not have the trains to Kristianstad cancelled tomorrow because of flooding. Soon I'll start building that Ark.
Stupid, stupid weather.
I hope it's not my fault. I did ask for bad weather so that Frida wouldn't have to work late and be able to come with tomorrow. But seriously, this was not what I meant. Jeez, God, get a clue, would ya?
Stupid, stupid weather.
I hope it's not my fault. I did ask for bad weather so that Frida wouldn't have to work late and be able to come with tomorrow. But seriously, this was not what I meant. Jeez, God, get a clue, would ya?
Pax för en plats om du fortfarande har någon över på den där arken! Du vet väl att det är lingvister och barn först? Eller förresten, lingvister och katter. ;)
Lingvister och snygga killar var det visst. ;)
Did you know that there's actually a half-built ark along the highway here? Ch-ch-ch-check it on out. :P
The bad weather is my fault, actually. Time of the month, y'know.
And :
Cthulhu dw i (I'm Cthulhu). Dw i'n siarad o Gthulhu (I'm talking about Cthulhu). Dw i'n siarad â Chthulhu (I'm speaking with Cthulhu). Mae trancedigaeth a distryw i gyd yng Nghthulhu (All death and destruction is within Cthulhu).
You love Welsh. Admit it. ;)
Frida och jag kom överrens om att lingvister och snygga killar kan få förtur. Eller hur?
As for the bad weather... I knew it!
Also, you won't let me forget that I love Welsh, will you? Good. ;)
Japp, vi kan absolut göra plats för snygga killar också. Bara jag får vara förste styrman (styrkvinna?)! ;) (För eftersom hela arkgrejen var din idé är väl det väl du som är kapten?
Yup, jag blir kapten. Och du kan absolut få vara förste styrdam! Jag har ändå inget lokalsinne.
Logan blir matros.
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