Sunday, October 29, 2006

Now, exactly how involved was he?

Americas funniest homevideo evar:
Mummy and daddy have decided it's time to let their children know that they are going to get a new brother or sister. The boys, roughly three and five years old, sit on the sofa. Mummy's on the floor in front of them; daddy's doing the filming. She breaks the news. Younger brother jumps down and disappears off screen while older brother looks mildly happy as well as freaked out. Camera goes looking for younger brother. Suddenly, the kid sticks his head in front of the lens, gives two thumbs up and shouts:
"You did it, daddy!"
(Cue mummy falling over laughing.)

Ehrm. 90 percent on the phonetics exam.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Is it any wonder I haven't been sleeping well?

predorsoprealveolar sibilantisk frikativa formant amplitud metates afoni palatum apex fonologisk fonetik artikulationsapparat fonematisk transkription aspirerad spektrum diakrit dorsopalatal retroflexer afasi kardinalvokaler halvvokaler konsonantdimensioner ocklusion oregelbunden finstruktur lodrät strimmighet tyst fas bilabial nasal dissimilation samartikulation prosodem frekvens akut/grav accent betoning prosodi total blockering glottis röstspringa farynx ejektiva perceptorisk fonetik IPA kommutationsmetoden laryngal ansatsrör approximant brusljud lateral allofon homofon särdrag betydelseskiljande haplologi supradental spektogram satsintonation

Hyperonymi partonymi coda rim ansats kärna antonymi produktion/perception/inlärning agglutinerande ergativitet complementizer phrase NP VP PP fontotaktisk regel kontext avledning agent sammansättning Markus grammatikaliseringsprocess bundna morfem affix fusionerande stavelsestruktur fuktionsord tema patient gynnad fundament syntax variabler OVS typologi lingvistiskt tecken Chomsky verbpartikel Labov pidgin progressiv paradigmatisk polysyntetiskt diskurs koreferens syntagmatisk frasstruktur stor tillgänglighet IP metafor semantiska särdrag +- enhet större än sats meronymi oh mitt huvud

Okay, I'm done.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Good company

- Och när vi nu pratar om 'coda' så kan ju det ordet faktiskt betyda flera saker och leda till förväxlingar.
- Jo, men eftersom man nu stavar det ena med 'c' och 'o' -
- Jo, fast det handlar ju bara om skriften och har inget med egentligt tal att göra, fonetiskt kan de bli homofoner beroende på accenten.
- Men man förstår det ju av kontexten.
- Ja, man förstår det på en pragmatisk nivå.

Så kan det låta när en grupp lingvister pluggar in i det sista inför en tenta.

Håll tummarna för mig imorron.

Monday, October 23, 2006

We're going to the city, oh yeah

Yep, we're going to Stockholm for one night on December 9th. We did it! We got tickets to Invasion! (and really good tickets, at that). I'm excited.

By the way, Jonas Khemiri got nominated for the August award. Awesome.

Snodd från V - Resor:
· När reste du senast?
I augusti till London med mina farföräldrar.
· Vilka länder har du besökt?
Hmm... Grekland, Italien, Österrike, Tyskland, Spanien, England, Danmark, Cypern och Portugal (egentligen Madeira, men det hör ju till Portugal).
· Drömresemålet?
Som jag inte redan har besökt; Australien och New York. Redan besökta; London och Barcelona som jag aldrig får nog av.
· Roligaste reseminnet?
Oj. Många. Min 20års-fest i London 2004. Lavender 4 Life med V och tjejerna i London 2006 (och att bo på Generator får ett extra omnämnande). Havana Club och O'Connell's med spanskgänget i Madrid 2003. San Juan på stranden med M och hela gänget i Barcelona 2006. Och hela kanotingen med mina gymnasiepolare 2003, som visserligen var inom Sverige men ändå en resa.
· Tråkigaste reseminnet?
Skulle kunna vara när jag sprang rakt in ett ett välputsat fönster på Mallorca och spräckte näsan. Det satte sina spår. Fysiskt och psykiskt. :P

Sunday, October 22, 2006

When macaroni become 'pattisar'

On Friday, M and I went to hear Jonas Hassen Khemiri (remember him from my probably longest entry ever, in April? the writer?) speak at Malmö Uni about language and identity. That man really amazes me more and more every time. He's such an inspiring speaker.

I don't know... There's just something about him. He puts so much thought into what he writes and you can dig into the books and find something you've never thought of before every time you read them. There's something behind everything; nothing is there by coincidence. He makes you think, he makes you re-think, he makes you question, and he makes you unsure whether to laugh or cry while doing it. It's an amazing read.
And you discover new clues in the books listening to him - just today I realised that his name can be found within the fictional rapper I-on Carry-on aka Shuffle N's name. Try and figure that one out.

We're looking to possibly go to Stockholm in December to catch his debut play Invasion!, which is re-opening in November. We wanted to go on the opening night which happens to be just two days before my birthday, but of course that was sold out. From the little he's told us about it, I'm really intrigued. Hope we can make it.

(And I got my copy of Ett Öga Rött signed! *squee!* /fangirl)

So. Exams this Wednesday and Thursday, chai night slash studygroup tonight, regular studygroup Monday, Tuesday and probably Wednesday, possibly going out on Thursday to celebrate that we've completed the first ten weeks and hopefully passed the exams, and then a sitting on the 4th to celebrate even more. There's a gasque on the 20th which I'm really tempted by as well, but if we manage to sort out the trip to Stockholm that'll have to be my priority.

Hands are better. A bit sore and still kinda stiff, but way better.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Bye for a bit

I have managed to burn my hands, which are now stiff and covered in blisters, and am having a hard time typing. I'll be leaving the the blog for a bit until I don't have to type with only my right thumb and little finger.

Really sorry about tonight, G.

emehoB eiV aL: To pain. I feel like I'm wearing gloves.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Well, the blog does say it's all about me.

So I'm totally cross-posting this all over the internet, but I don't care. Because for the first time ever, no matter how vain it sounds, I'm in love with a photo that actually happens to have me in it. Playing with my beloved camera and a mirror and this was what came out:


Don't worry, it's not going to turn into a habit.

Friday, October 13, 2006

A day in the life

I was part of a 'Day in the life' photography project today, and thought I'd share my pictures with you guys. The day hasn't been very exciting, but as you can tell from the pictures, has consisted of a lot of studying.

My morning entertainment
My morning entertainment - when it works out. This time, apparently I screwed up.

Wannabe Dooce
Doocing it up.

Studygroup with the girls today. We went through two earlier finals and straightened out a few question marks.

Going downhill
Just realised that this hasn't been getting any water in a while. Is it supposed to?

At Arom
I went to Arom in the afternoon to do some more reading. God, I love this place.

More studying
Need an explanation? It's no wonder my head is tired tonight after all this studying.

On my way home
Going home.

Relaxing to Heroes
Enjoying the third 'Heroes' episode to finish the day.

And that's where I left off.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Sinking low

I'm about to do something I never thought I'd do.
Yes, I'm posting a youtube video. Ladies and gentlemen; the Myspace Song.

Okay, no, I'm not, because it messes the page up. But check out the url and laugh.
John Hill simply rocks my cotton socks. Well, he has for a long time since he's awesome and has the ability to make me bawl my eyes out, but I didn't know he was funny, too.

Logan, would it make you happy if I told you that I'm going to do my poster presentation about Welsh?

Saturday, October 07, 2006


Can't live with it, can't live without it.
The laptop I've had for no more than a month and a half has decided it's royally fucked up and suddenly shut down on me the day before yesterday. I turned it back on. It turned itself off. Lather, rinse and repeat. Now, it's very unpredictable - on Thursday night it was working fine all night. Last night it wasn't. This morning I couldn't even turn it on before there was the now so very familiar and dreaded 'click' followed by a black screen.

My computer genious father then thought of the idea to empty the parameter memory, and again Trekkie (for so it is called) seems to be in a good mood. For now, at least, and so I have spent the afternoon copying over endless amounts of stuff onto my iPod (damn, am I glad I went for 60 instead of 30 Gb!) in case it throws another hissyfit. Which I'm sure it inevitably will, sooner or later.

It couldn't have happened at a worse time, either - I have a poster presentation which is due next Monday and I really need to be able to work on my computer with it, preferably without it shutting down just when I'm about to hit 'save'.
Saw K last night for the first time in I don't know how long - he's got a two week holiday before he goes back to Cosovo for his UN soldier service thing. He has beefed up, begun to look scarily like his brother, and hasn't changed much besides. It was great catching up.

Off to dance some salsa at Club Havana tonight. I almost wish I wasn't, though - it's pouring down outside.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Now... Where was I?

Blanks from Friday night have been filled in and could have been worse (the fact that I tried to unlock my neighbours' door at 5 in the morning is awkward, but hopefully they slept through it), and I managed to reclaim my songbook at the union. All's good.

It's been a strange couple of months, weather wise. In July/early August we reached record temperatures and had some fantastic weeks. It suddenly got cold and rainy in middle of August, and everyone were saying how summer ended so abruptly. Then, at the start of September when everyone including me had stocked up on autumn shoes and clothes, summer decided it wasn't quite done with us yet, came back, and seems to have lasted until yesterday when the leaves were falling everywhere and you could actually smell autumn in the air.
Talk about schizophrenic seasons.

From one thing to another...
Heroes premiered on NBC last week. I've been waiting for it for what seems like ages, and finally managed to download the pilot today (before anyone thinks I'm doing anything illegal and goes all AntiPirat on me, you can watch the episodes on NBC's website). And damn, but I'm hooked. You can watch it just for the sheer hotness if you want to - it's got an extremely fanciable cast, including among others Milo V, Sendhil Ramamurthy (I think his superpower is making women all over the world stop what they're doing when they spot him) and Santiago Cabrera - but it's also really cool and has some very interesting storylines. I mean, flying brothers, a cheerleader who's indestructable, a japanese called Hiro (his name alone makes him awesome) who can travel in space/time, an artist who paints the future and a stripper mom with a wickedly evil(?) mirror twin who kills people? Bound to be good. It could well freak out and become over the top, but so far I'm loving it.
Also, I loved the fact that the scenes in Japan actually were in Japanese, no broken English with Japanese accents.
And Hiro is adorable. 'Yata!'

I'm so television's bitch.
Watch Heroes and become its bitch along with me!