Monday, May 22, 2006

Karneval, vi är i Lundagård och glädjen är total...

It was, it was total. There is oh so much I want to say about the weekend... It's been insane, running around every single minute to see and do everything, but it's been fantastic. The 2006 carneval was a good one, it really was. I'm just sad it's over already. And I am a bit sad I've had to jump around on crutches and take painkillers - it prevented me from taking part in the festivities to the extent I would've wanted to. I mean, attending The Dance on crutches? That was embarrassment.

The shows? Were absolutely fabulous, with the revue in the lead. We snuck in an extra performance tonight - it was too good not to. Johan Stenfeldt and Pär Thored... I know I've said it before and I'll say it again; absolute fucking legends. Although it has to be said, I don't think I'll ever look at Pär the same way again after having seen him as a miniature Bon Jovi singing 'Living On A Prayer', or after his lecture on the 'undervedmetna'.
I recorded a lot during the show, might post a few video clips someday for you Swedish speakers to enjoy...

'Ost och pattar, ost och bröst! Ost och pattar - fan, va' gött!' Best. Song. Evah.

The cabaret wasn't quite as good, but the finale still rocked - a rewrite of Pet Shop Boys' 'Go West'... 'Go home! The cabaret is done, go home!' I've been singing it ever since we saw it. With a bit of 'Cheese and Tits' thrown in for good measure.

The spex - Awesome. HoYay! What else needs to be said? Well, of course that wasn't the only reason why it was so good. Singing, acting, line delivery was spot on from everyone. I'm still amazed we have such talent in tiny Lund.

I wish the carneval lasted a full week, I don't want it to be done yet. Though I'm sure the carnevalists are quite happy they can go back to actually sleeping and eating again. Thank you guys for sacrificing yourselves so that we could have such a fantastic time! You all did an awesome job.

1 comment:

Logan said...

"Ost och pattar" sounds like something that requires a trip to the health department. Yuck. ;)

Yay for great weekends! I didn't even realize the weekend was over 'til just a few moments ago. I 'bout missed it all together! Dayumn.