Born for the stage
Carneval video clips, mostly from the fantastic revue.
'Reading ... Or is that just a code for something else? Go figure. Makes me laugh every time, I love these guys. Swedish.
tracing her way through the constellation
Carneval video clips, mostly from the fantastic revue.
It was, it was total. There is oh so much I want to say about the weekend... It's been insane, running around every single minute to see and do everything, but it's been fantastic. The 2006 carneval was a good one, it really was. I'm just sad it's over already. And I am a bit sad I've had to jump around on crutches and take painkillers - it prevented me from taking part in the festivities to the extent I would've wanted to. I mean, attending The Dance on crutches? That was embarrassment.
The shows? Were absolutely fabulous, with the revue in the lead. We snuck in an extra performance tonight - it was too good not to. Johan Stenfeldt and Pär Thored... I know I've said it before and I'll say it again; absolute fucking legends. Although it has to be said, I don't think I'll ever look at Pär the same way again after having seen him as a miniature Bon Jovi singing 'Living On A Prayer', or after his lecture on the 'undervedmetna'.
I recorded a lot during the show, might post a few video clips someday for you Swedish speakers to enjoy...
'Ost och pattar, ost och bröst! Ost och pattar - fan, va' gött!' Best. Song. Evah.
The cabaret wasn't quite as good, but the finale still rocked - a rewrite of Pet Shop Boys' 'Go West'... 'Go home! The cabaret is done, go home!' I've been singing it ever since we saw it. With a bit of 'Cheese and Tits' thrown in for good measure.
The spex - Awesome. HoYay! What else needs to be said? Well, of course that wasn't the only reason why it was so good. Singing, acting, line delivery was spot on from everyone. I'm still amazed we have such talent in tiny Lund.
I wish the carneval lasted a full week, I don't want it to be done yet. Though I'm sure the carnevalists are quite happy they can go back to actually sleeping and eating again. Thank you guys for sacrificing yourselves so that we could have such a fantastic time! You all did an awesome job.
Very much enjoyed reading the Dooce debate on dialects and the correct way of pronouncing crayon. As a Swede, I've always pronounced it 'cray-on', but then again, I had no idea there were people with English as their native language who actually pronounce the 'L':s in walk and talk. Funny how it is sometimes.
Mark Schwahn, the creator of One Tree Hill, is an asshat of massive proportions. That was one incredibly sucky season- and possibly series finale. He even admitted to ending the season with the hideous cliffhanger with the manipulative thought that the audience would rage against the series ending that way and subsequently getting him another season. I actually want the show to end now, just so that he learns that it doesn't work like that. And to get to read his blog about it. Seriously, that would be storytelling gold, much unlike the crap he's spouted this season.
But still, way to screw over the (few) fans you have left, Schwahny.
Gilmore Girls, not quite as bad, but still extremely depressing. What in God's name have the SherPas done to Luke? And why? Alexis Bledel managed to cry convincingly and impressed me greatly - I didn't think I'd live to see that. There must be some sinners freezing their asses of down in hell just about now.
I hope Rosenthal can dig the show out of the hole it's buried itself in next season... As long as there is some more Colin/Finn HoYay! (because HoYay should always be followed by an exclamation mark), and a JavaJunkie wedding I'll be happy. And if Chris were killed in a painful accident I wouldn't exactly mourn the loss.
And speaking of hell, 7th Heaven was renewed. They've gone on and on for months about this being the last season, making everyone see the light at the end of the tunnel, and then it gets renewed. That if something proves that there is indeed no God, which I guess would explain the Luke situation. Why won't this show just lie down and die? It's like a friggin' cockroach.
I'm watching the football Youth Festival between France and Mexico, and there are two French players that are called Kavaj and Idioti. It's hillarious. 'Och fransmännen tar bollen... Idioti!' Heh.
So, the RENT cast is set... Linda Bengtzing as Mimi. I could cry. And is it wrong that Collins/Benny being white annoys me?
My whole body hurts so much from jumping around on the crutches it's overtaking the pain in my foot. My arms and hands (and my stomach, for some reason) feel like I've been working for seven days straight at the gym. But the foot rests, and if aching arms is the price I have to pay to be able to dance on Saturday, I'll pay it gladly. Well, alright, complaining and whining, but I'll pay it.
I just realised that One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest with Christian Slater as Mac is playing while I'm in London. Damn, how much would I love to see that....
Yep, I'm on crutches. An inflammated ligament. Joy.
Children are very honest in their observations of people who look or behave different. I knew that, so when a little boy on the bus said to his mum, in a very audible voice, "Mum, look at the lady with the funny sticks!" it wasn't all that surprising (although I admit I was a bit hurt by the "lady"). But "sticks"? Oh no. Where are the future generations headed, language- and general knowledgewise? No, it's not stick-lady. It's crutch-lady, if you please!
Sorry about the lack of updating. You haven't missed all that much, though. Most exciting thing this week was the fact that I woke up one morning to a very loud buzzing, a buzzing that was caused by a huge fucking wasp. In my room! Over my bed! Oh the horror! I jumped out of bed, ran out of my room across the kitchen - very much unclothed, if you wanted the visual - to find something to kill it with.
To cut a long story short, I smashed the little bitch against the window before he could even think of stinging me.
My mum and I decided to try out the wet-vest workout down at our local public bath. We were there first and being somewhat experienced when it comes to wet-vest (that is to say, I tried it once) I was all pepped, psyching my mum a bit about how tough it was going to be. Then, the others started to arrive. And they were old. And I mean really old. "Are they really able to do this?" I wondered. Apparently they were of the opinion that they were indeed so.
Then, the trainer came in. "Okay, you can all get in now!"
"Funny", I thought. "Are we going to put the vests on in the water? Isn't that a bit complicated?"
But there were no vests. "Alright, let's start! We start marching on the spot, up and down, up and down..."
Water gymnastics. The pensioners, my mum, and I. I caught her eye once and then tried very hard not to do so again, because the expression on her face almost made me burst out laughing.
When we asked afterwards it turned out that they didn't do wet-vest at the moment, hadn't done for several months, and that they'd changed the time slot to water gymnastics. Great. Couldn't have told us that before?
Finally, Crash is the best film I've seen in a very, very long time, and y'all need to see it, like, NOW.
Yesterday's carneval-queueing turned out successful - we now have tickets for the cabaret on Friday night, The Dance on Saturday, and the farce on Sunday. Woo! And it only took us two hours in the line.
I'm all excited. Two weeks left. I'll even be able to go to the inauguration, I don't have anything on the day.
This Saturday there's a sort of pre-carneval party. I hope the weather stays like this, it'd be an awesome day out.
And, not only do I have my carneval tickets, but I've also booked my Avenue Q tickets for August! Row D, centre, Friday night. Could it get any better?
Well, I could be rich. That'd be better. All this ticket-buying has exhausted my poor credit card.
Valborg. Quite an overrated event, in my opinion, but still an awesome night. Went to Lundaspexarna's farce - which I will from now on refer to in Swedish, as 'spex', because, well, it sounds better - called 'Djingis Khan'. One of the most traditional ones along with the Uarda-spex, only performed every fifth year.
I love spexes. I laughed so hard my belly hurt, and it was made all the better by my two all-time favourite spexers being in it. Johan Stenfeldt and Pär Thored - two legends in the student's farce society. The fact that Pär was playing the Empress, dressed in a glittery bra and skirt only added to the hilarity of it all... And Johan, well, he only needs to come on stage for everyone to laugh. He sang 45 seconds of complete nonsense (literally), and was called back on stage by the applause about ten times to do it all over again.
'Ja, ni har då inte bråttom hem i alla fall.'
'Vad vill ni höra nu?'
'Ding-a-ding-a-ding... Äh, ni fattar.'
Imagine that in a Hasse-Alfredsson accent, and you've got a performer everyone loves.
The weather even cleared up on our way up to AF, but damn, it was cold when we came out. You'd never think it was May. And all the students in their fancy dresses and tuxes... Christ, all that - the dresses, tuxes, the spexes and parties... That's going to be my life for the next five years if I get accepted to the linguistics studies, and it's so not me. But what the hell, you gotta sell out a little, right?
I finally finished my essay on Lisbeth Adrian. I think this course has made me a tad too critical towards teachers' methods... I do love picking them apart, though.
So, now we've only got the horrible oral presentation tomorrow, not to mention the long awaited for confrontation with the mentor. Exciting. Then, just about nothing for three weeks, and then it's time for the Lund carnival! Yay! Please, please, be sunny. It's only every fourth year, we deserve a nice carnival.
Oh - we're gonna try getting tickets for the shows again tomorrow. Cross your fingers we'll succeed this time, would you?