Friday, April 14, 2006

The issue of multitasking

You know how people often say that one of the differences between men and women is that women are capable of multitasking, and men aren't?
I don't think that's fair. I absolutely suck at multitasking when it comes to certain things. Take msn. I want to use it, I really, really do, but I can't seem to do it. The fear of having to have too many conversations at once hits me as soon as I even consider pressing 'Log on', and that's crap, because it's a good way of keeping in touch with people.
I remember, vaguely, one of the few times I decided to try to get used to it... Five people at once, saying 'Hey, what's up?', and 'Hallå, läget?'. I panicked, and I don't remember how it ended up.

On the other hand, I can draw, listen to music, sing, and watch TV all at once. You'd think I'd be capable of speaking to more than one person at the same time as well, but no, of course not.
It's not fair.

Torturing my doggie a'la Dooce on

  • this
  • and
  • this
  • video clip. Please ignore me as much as you possibly can, but admit it, he is cute.


    Logan said...

    I'm an awesome multitasker. Just right now, I'm typing this, cooking chicken alfredo, crocheting a teddy bear, and waving a doggy bone at Anthony while shouting at him in Swedish.


    [Din röst! OMG. Jag vill höra dig prata engelska NU. Nu, nu, nu, tackpåförhand. :)]

    Anonymous said...

    Awwww! Too cute! Happy Easter sweetie! :)

    Kat said...

    Logan: I'm not promising anything. But maybe, in the near future sometime. ;)

    V: Back at ya! *mwah*