Once in a while
First day of the new course today, and I'm totally loving our new mentor. He looks like Santa, except he's got a moustache instead of a beard, and he's continually sporting that he knows basically every one of the authors who've written our coursebooks.
'There's this book, written by X... Terrific bloke, good friend of mine. And then we have this book, written by Y... Fantastic woman, known her a long time, excellent teacher. Oh, and this book, written by, well, by me. Buy it through me and you'll get it cheaper. And I'll sign it, for free!'
This module is called 'Barns och ungas textvärldar', and if I were really mean I wouldn't even translate that for you... But seeing as I'm not, it's a litterature course, focused on children's litterature. So, Santa brought a bunch of paperback copies of some of the books that we'll be reading, for us to buy today if we wanted. Barely 50 p per book. I'm not joking. There was a stampede to get to them. And of course, there was one book he said we would definitely need to read and seems to be quite hard to get hold of, and which he only had three copies of. At this point, people started throwing suspicious looks around the classroom, eyeing one and other warningly, daring the person next to them to make a run for a copy.
In the end, it was decided that we would have a lottery - we all wrote our names on little pieces of paper, handed them in and and Santa pulled the names out.
I got a copy. And I never, ever win the lottery! So there you have it; every once in a while even the most unlucky person in the world will win something. It's just a bit sad I would win a paperback copy of a coursebook at school, and not a million dollars or a trip to Australia on the real lottery.
I realised today everyone in my base group (edited because I hate, and I'm using the word hate here, making mistakes) passed on the paper. That's kinda cool, especially considering that in another, only two out of six passed. We must've done a decent job when going over everyone's drafts.
The final exam is still another story, but at least I don't seem to be the only one who's certain of failing, and this is the last time I will mention it on this blog until I get it back. You'll probably have to wipe my tears when it's time, but until that day comes... 'Bort, fördömda fläck, bort!'
I was a good girl today and went swimming. I lurve swimming. I don't lurve looking at myself in a bikini, though.
Now, I'm going to go and pay my fine at the library. And don't look at me like that, I meant to go yesterday but they were closed! I don't mind confrontations in the least.
Huh, even I didn't believe myself on that one.
On a final note, Milo Ventimiglia is hot. That is all.